Internet Porn Sites are they legal or illegal to vist in

This is likely malware designed to get you to buy a product to "scrub your hard drive" clean of troubling internet searches. I have never seen a prosecution in the US for merely viewing bestiality pornography and I certainly agree with the other response that it is highly unlikely the police happen to be monitoring your computer - even in this day and age that would still require a warrant. Most People Think Watching Porn Is Morally Wrong - The Mar 06, 2014 15 Alarming Reasons to Stop Watching Porn | Wealthy Gorilla Jan 02, 2017

Nov 05, 2018

Yes it is legal. I’m not sure what you mean by “internet scares”, but watching porn is an activity millions of people do every day. It’s a form of expression and it is perfectly legal in the U.S. If you’re a minor, however, it is technically illeg Online pornography: what's legal and what's not | TechRadar Aug 14, 2013

is watching porn on the internet illegal? (like pornhub

Digital Fingerprints: How the Porn You Watch May Be In 2018, there were 33.5 billion visits to the world’s most popular free porn site.. This staggering figure is up from 21 billion visitors in 2015, 23 billion in 2016, and 28.5 billion visits in 2017.The site had 4.7 million video uploads last year, and over 109 billion video views in 2018, which equates to if every recorded person on planet Earth (man, woman, child, and infant) had consumed