slapd(8) will generally return "no global superior knowledge" as additional information indicating its return noSuchObject instead of a referral as the server is not configured with knowledge of a …

When a change occurred to an object on the source domain controller but this object was cleaned by the garbage-collection process When AD replication recovers after it fails for a time that exceeds the tombstone lifetime (TSL), deletion may not be propagated before the tombstone is cleaned ldap - No such object (32) error while trying to modify If the result is No such object (32), then gidNumber=0+uidNumber=0,cn=peercred,cn=external,cn=auth doesn't have access to the config database on your system. If the search does return output, check whether the entry olcDatabase={2}hdb,cn=config is actually listed. LDAP error 32 No such object -- AD LDS simple authentication Jun 07, 2013 Ldap error - Error 0x20 (32) - No Such Object - Active


Ldapwiki: LDAP_NO_SUCH_OBJECT Sep 29, 2016 OpenLDAP Faq-O-Matic: ldap_add: No such object slapd(8) will generally return "no global superior knowledge" as additional information indicating its return noSuchObject instead of a referral as the server is not configured with knowledge of a …

Ldapwiki: LDAP Result Codes

Jan 03, 2020